Monday, March 13, 2006 cold

No, the temperature is just fine. It is this damn cold. Won't go away. Keeps lingering. Really starting to piss me off. I can't get anymore of the medicine that actually worked because I have no money. I can't just stay in bed because I have shit to do. AARGH!!!!!

That whole money thing is pissing me off, too. Come the first of the month, I'll be fine. From the 21st to the 1st, I may be screwed. My bus pass runs out on the 21st and I spent the money I should have used on a new pass on food and medicine instead. Tough choice, eh? One might say, "But isn't the week of the 20th through 26th your SPring Break? Why do you need to go anywhere?" Good point. However, I don't really get a Spring Break. That week will be spent getting out my next issue of the paper. I might take a couple of those days off to veg, but not many.

We shall see what we shall see.

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