Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Wait...and wait

I'm a rather patient guy. I can sit and wait for things for a very long time. Like buses and mail and such. What I hate waiting for is news. When someone tells you they will "let you know by tonight" I want to know NOW!
Right now I'm waiting to fins out if I get promoted from Arts&Culture grunt to Opinion Editor. I really want the job. The other person being considered is equally qualified. We would each bring a wealth of experience to the position. We would do things differently, I'm sure, but either way, it is a win-win for the paper.
That is what I should focus on and probably what those deciding are focusing on. "What is best for the paper?"
It is a good question. Would it better to have someone who is an excellent news writer and probably knows more about the local area than I do? Or me, who will never back down when someone needs to be made fun of?
That is what I bring to the table: If someone needs to be kicked in the nuts, I shall do the kicking. Humor is at a premium in many newspapers these days. We all seem to take ourselves too seriously. Not me. The best part is that I'm likely to make fun of myself before I make fun of any one else.
Chicks dig self-deprecating humor. Or so I'm told.

While I wait, I'm watching all the Strong Bad Emails I can. Good times, yo.


aprilcore said...

I hope the outcome is worth the wait!

[And uhh... I know you have no clue who I am. I'm April. I'm the new managing editor of the Coyote Press. I was reading the archives of the paper, and came across the address to your blog. It's very entertaining.]

T.J. said...

Hey, thanks for reading. I've kept up on the adventures of Coyote Press, too, thanks to Karen. Don't give her too much grief, eh?