Wednesday, March 08, 2006


It doesn't happen very often but I am sick. Headache, sneezing, runny nose/stuffed up, sore throat. I feel horrible. Not as bad as yesterday, though. Yesterday, I managed to roll out of bed maybe twice to use the bathroom. I missed a couple things i should have done. Oh well. I'm up today, still feeling like someting has a hold of me by the throat and is trying to squeeze my head off. A little bit of medicine helped.
As for today, I don't treally know what I'm doing. I don't know if my paper is done or not. I don't know how much anyone has done on the stories for the next issue. I don't know much of anything today. Maybe I should have stayed in bed. No going back now. Not for a few hours, anyway.


-L. said...

Me too - I was sick over the weekend with the same thing that you described and now I think I have allergies - loosing you voice is not very good for a speech therapist! Job Hazard!

T.J. said...

Nor is it good for someone who must be loud and boisterous tomorrow.