Saturday, December 02, 2006

Like a I need a hole in my head

For some of you who've known me for a while, this would be pre-Vegas, I used to have my right eyebrow pierced. Well today I went and got it done again.

Funny thing i sthat it didn't hurt as much nor did it bleed as much as it did the first time. Of course, i didn't have a super hot woman doing the piercing, so I guess it's a toss up.

I like it. Reminds me of my rebellios and anarchic ideals.

Yes, I know that having a piercing is no longer as rebellios as it once was. When I had my original piercing, I never saw anyone else with a pierced brow. Now, they are everywhere.

I don't care. I'm not trendy. I do what I want. If a lot of other eople just happen to want to do the same thing, good for them.

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