Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Idaho, do you?

A strange thing was happening the last few weeks. I started doubting the attainability of my goals and plans. I started telling myself that I wanted time to finish a stalled book before going to a new school and embarking on new adventures. Mostly, I was afraid of having something right in front of me and not being able to pay for it. I had nearly convinced myself that I actually needed the semester off that I had planned to be this semester. Still, the biggest thing was being afraid of not having the money to make it through more schooling.
When I returned from Portland, a letter from University of Idaho was waiting for me. It was my total and complete financial aid awards. Upon viewing it, I was a bit happier. It looked like it'd be enough to pay for tuition. I would still have to find a way to live and eat. I could do that but that fear still whispered in my ear that I wouldn't be able to do it. It just wouldn't work. Then I had a better look at the cost estimate sheet I've looked at five billion times. The award letter is divided by semesters. The cost estimate is for an entire year.
Guess what that means? I will have enough backing to go to school, buy books, live somewhere and eat. I won't have to find a job that will suck up time that I should be studying. Of course, some of the financial aid will have to be paid back. For now, however, I am unencumbered. I still have to register and get up to Moscow, find a place to live and all that, but at least I know I'll be ok.
I'll finish that book eventually. until then, I'll just keep writing my short stories. Maybe I'll even sell a few of them.

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