Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Transcript Cluster Fuck

So, transferring schools is a pain in the ass, as I was reminded again today. First of all, my finall transcript from Las vegas took forever to get here. Once it arrived, I went right to my academic advising and then registered for next semester. After signin gup for some classes, I got an email about the remainder of my transcript being evaluated and adjustments made.
those adjustments include my not having had to take a class that I am in now and not having to take one of the classes I had added mere minutes before.
The shitty part is that I'm required to have a certain number of upper-division classes here in order to graduate. Almost all of the Lit. classes I took in Vegas at 200 level transferred over at 300 level. Basically, I don't have that many more English classes to take, I just have to take a bunch of shit to meet the credit requirements.
And also foreign language, but that is another issue and one I don't feel like talking about right now.


-L. said...

oh the joys! Mark knows all to well about transfer nightmares! hope it all works out.

T.J. said...

It will work out, I just have to take a bunch of upper division classes I don't need. I'll end up being a senior for two years, it seems. The problem is that there are only so many English classes. I spent yesterday afternoon bullshitting my way into an upper division journalism class. The class is all about stuff I've already done, so it will shore up skills I've developing. Plus, it helps in my bid for editorial positions. (I interview for the "opinion editor" job next week.)

T.J. said...

I thought of the minor and/or double major idea. The crappy thing is that I'd have to go back and take a bunch of lower division pre-requisites. I've formed something resembling a plan, so I should be fine and still on schedule to get my B.A. before i'm 30.