Saturday, February 03, 2007

Just keeps snowing

So much going this year and February has just begun. Where to start or even what to say. Well, no sense in beating around the bush.

Classes are...interesting. One class has a lot of reading and is turning an otherwise engaging subject into a mush of information that I really didn't need to know. ANother has me going back to basic that I've been so used to just working with that I'd forgotten why. I'm learning a lot and having a good time doingit. Plus it will nmake me better at a few things I'm pretty good at now. A third calss has me reading 16th poetry and I love it. I wasn't sure how well I'd take to such a class but the in-depth analyses of these poems has proven to be more funt hat it would seem to someone not interested in the subject. AN, finally, is my actual writing class for the semester. i don't know about it. Sure, some of the assignments are fun but this is the first time in a writing class where I have the feeling i may be wasting my time in there. previous classes I took were in areas I knew I struggled in and wanted to improve in. Don't get me wrong; I want to improve in my fiction writing but none of the things we've done so far have had eye-opening effectson me or my work.

Really, with all the work I'm doing at the newspaper here, i feel like I'm getting closer, faster to the point of being ready to jump out and into a job.

Scary, isn't it?

And then there is this other thing that I haven't sorted out yet that I'm not ready to talk about. It may be nothing and it may be everything. I don't know.

For those of you out there that I may not have spoken with recently, I'm sorry. I think about many of you often and wonder why you still put up with me when I'm not acting like a very good friend.

It is funny how happy and sad go hand in hand so very often.


Spundle said...

I'm sorry class isn't what you are hoping for. I like the exercises, and I enjoy this class more than 292. I still worry about the story due at the end of the month, but a stroke of something or another possibly distantly related to genius will hopefully show up soon.

:) You said if I really wanted to stalk you, I'd read this. So, I do :P

Tuhd said...

Hey TJ. good to see you still posting. Hope that whatever needs sorted out turns out in your favor, however that may be, and that theres no ill effects. if you need, you know where i'm at. havent left here yet.

until that's all sorted out, how about some music? no, not mine, but a group i found that you might enjoy. they're called 'The East Village Opera Company', and they fuse good classical and opera with modern instruments (guitars and stuff). Since i know you're into stuff like that (just like me), i figured you should know about 'em.

(aka. defect9)

T.J. said...

JARED! That is fucking awesome. Thanks for the link and the support.

Tuhd said...

You're welcome TJ. Always glad to spread music around. Did you ever check out the band Nightwish i mentioned many posts ago? If not, go. Go now. Google is your friend (and i think youtube still has a video or two of theirs).